Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Rendered image

Awesome rendered image of the 1836 2010 Robot, kicking a socker ball:

Breakaway Field

another CAD model, this time of the robot on the FIRST Breakaway 2010 field:

Power Distribution Board

Here is my model of the FIRST power distribution board- took FOREVER!


Here is a model of a winch that I made, for the 1836 robot:

Process for FIRST robot CAD, 2010

This train of photos shows the progression of my model, also Inventor, of the robot for FIRST team 1836.

Animation made for GREEN MAST

GREEN M.A.S.T. is a team from Milken Community high school, enrolled in the Pete Conrad Spirit of Innovation contest. This highway barrier, part of their entry, is designed to capture wind energy from both sides of the road, using it to power the school.
Here is a CAD model, made on Inventor, of their Barrier: